St Barnabas IPOS Timeline

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This tool takes information from St Barnabas’ IPOS Template and generates a series of user-editable graphs. This helps clinicians by turning a large amount of numerical and written information into a simple side of A4 with graphs to highlight spikes and trends. 



St Barnabas IPOS Timeline Tool

This tool is accessed through the LHITS Control Panel. [You must be logged in to view this information.]

LOROS and St Barnabas SystmOne Template

Download this template and import it into SystmOne.  [You must be logged in to view this information.]


Instructions – Using the Timeline Tool

This tool turns a page of notes from your IPOS Template in SystmOne, into  series of editable graphs and a summary of notes, to help you quickly interpret the patients situation.

In order to use this tool, you must have installed the IPOS Timeline Tool, and have a valid LHITS Username.

  1. In SystmOne, click on your template in the clinical tree to see the list of entries to the template.
  2. Right-click in the journal
  3. “Click Table”, then click “Open As .csv”
  4. This will open the journal in Microsoft Excel.
  5. Click the “Generate IPOS Timeline” button in the LHITS Tools ribbon in  Microsoft Excel. This will generate your patient graphs from the information available.

Once you have generated the IPOS Timeline graphs, you will be able to use the “Filter” buttons next to each graph to change them as you need, including:

  • Adding or removing lines
  • Changing the scaling, to show the amount of time that occurred between each input
  • Showing which points were recorded by a patient or a member of staff

You can also save the sheet as a .pdf file to import back into your clinical system by pressing the Save As Pdf button. 



  • “Generate IPOS Timeline” button has stopped working in Microsoft Excel – This is likely caused by the filepath of your original saved file changing. Use the LHITS Control Panel to reinstall.
  • Control Panel or other buttons not working – This is likely caused by Macro’s being disabled in your document. Follow Microsoft’s instructions on how to enable Macros

If you have a different issue or these solutions do not work, contact your account holder or post in the LHITS forums.


Preview Image

IPOS Example

Update Log

11/09/2016 0.6.0 User Registration feature completed, tool tested with current version of St Barnabas’ SystmOne template. Final steps before First of Type testing now
19/10/2016 0.6.3 Improvements
30/10/2016 0.6.7 Improved user messaging and workflow. Streamlined validation process.
14/02/2017 0.6.14 Efficiency improvements.
New feature: if a patient has only one entry of IPOS information, the graphs form as bar charts instead of line graphs, which are less useful in this situation.
17/08/2017 1.0 Version released embedded in LHITS Control Panel


MHRA Regulations

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